Bandung - West Java PSSI openly declared his support for Dahlan Iskan to become chairman of PSSI replace Djohar Arifin. Minister for SOEs that have assessed the capacity to make better than PSSI Djohar leadership.
"PSSI Jabar support Dahlan Iskan as a candidate for chairman of PSSI," said Jabar PSSI chairman Toni Apriliani when met at the Secretariat PSSI Jabar, Lodaya Road, Saturday (01/07/2012).
According to Toni, Dahlan puny good track record as a leader. In his career, Dahlan himself has the mass media, had become president of PLN, and currently as a minister of state enterprises.
"He seems well versed in the lead. Hopefully he is permitted by the President to be ready to be nominated as chairman. We hope that Mr. Dahlan is also willing to be nominated," he said.
If Dahlan is unwilling or not allowed to be nominated President, PSSI Jabar have other options about who will be supported to be chairman of PSSI at the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) in March.
"If Mr. Dahlan can not or will not, we have supported other candidates who are ready, there Adhyaksa Dault and EE Mangindaan. They're the right person to lead the PSSI," said Toni.
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